March 15, 2009

The end to a nice weekend

My house sitting gig is over and though I had a fantastic and relaxing time, it is now time to go home and prepare for the week ahead. I worked on some pieces while there and as I was packing you to leave, I noticed all the materials on the table and how the light was sneaking through.

After relaxing for a few minutes, I was gone and back to reality.

March 13, 2009

Me and my shadow...

How many people post with this title? I bet hundreds of thousands. Tonight I am house sitting for my friend. Her place is glorious. Even when the front room is a bit loud, her bedroom is so quite, serene and luminous. I immediately took my camera and played around with the shadows, which in a moment's notice were gone.
Here is to my shadow, my best companion, the one always there with me.

March 09, 2009

March 2009- This is supposed to be my year...

I have not posted in a long time. Yes, it has been over 5 months since I last posted a photograph. Shame. Well, it doesn't mean I haven't taken pictures. It just means I haven't developed the files to post them.
In fact, I took over 200 pictures during my Xmas vacation in Puerto Rico. You can see the pictures here and here

Then the New Year started and in a new home with a new life I am still getting used, I keep taking pictures and I carry my camera with me every day. Here are a few from my walks to work every day.

The view from my new apartment on a rainy day.

On Market St on my way to work. Remember to always be creative everyday...

The nut house with a nut case and my favorite spot in Union Sq. Sad are the days that see this gem closed.
I will forever be honor to have met Lady Nut and guilty that I did not go nuts more often.

On February 14, 2009, this is what I saw. Is he watching over me?